Frolic Newbie Winners

Hope you all had a great Easter and have now eaten your fill of chocolate!


Congrats to Jon Cowan, Martin Oldfield, Maz Lund & John Stevenson for winning Monday’s back nine waltz with 38 stableford points. Jon and John are pretty new members so they’ve got off to a flying start in their competitive golf careers! Two points adrift in second spot were Ian Hunt, Andrew Fishwick, Freda Hunt & Min Fishwick.

Junior Coaching

Don’t forget this starts on Saturday 20th April at 1345. The sessions will run for one hour and are on a roll up basis with the junior captain Matthew Hodder and I. The price is £10 per session.

If you are interested in coming to this or any other subsequent sessions, please let me know so that I can add you to the Whatsapp group. On this I’ll be able to share with you any dates that can’t go ahead because of absence or bad weather and other important bits of information.

Trees in Memory of Gregg Davison

Last week some of the members assisted greenkeepers Russ and Ben plant two trees near the ladies 10th tee in memory of Gregg Davison, who very sadly passed away last year. Little Mary Wainwright was also helping out.

Get involved… please pop into the Pro Shop to have a go!

Member’s Group Coaching Sessions

I’ll be running some group coaching sessions from the 15th April onwards as per the poster below looking at different aspects of the game. They’re a fun way to learn some new information and skills.

Please let me know if you would like to come along.

Irrigation Project

Thanks to Bill Dixon for sending in this photo of Andrew Hay quantity surveying over the Easter weekend. Bill wanted to highlight Andrew’s sartorial elegance and sent a Monty Python photo for comparison (apologies if the resolution on that photo is not the best).

Andrew was busy checking how many meters of pipe and cable had been pulled into position by our irrigation contractors. This was despite him undergoing knee surgery just three days earlier.

Keep up the good work Andrew and thanks go to all the other hard working members of the team too.