It’s Tuesday as I write this an the course has been open for two consecutive days… wahoo! Long may it continue.
Awesome Value Cart Bag
I have two of this Powakaddy DLX Lite Cart bag in stock which has been retailing at £144.99. As a newsletter special offer, they are on sale for £100 until the end of November. Please pop in to take a look..
We’re Recruiting
The greenstaff team are looking for a new member of staff. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please let me know and I will put you in touch with the relevant person.
Ladies Dinner
This was held on Wednesday 15th November. And a great time was had by all: there was a string quartet, great food & drink plus lots of winners receiving prizes.
Thanks as ever to Sue Bryant and Jan Ravenscroft for supplying the excellent photos.
MDGA Ladies 4BBB
Congratulations to Noelle Morris and Kairen Seaton who were awarded trophies for being the winners of the Manchester and District Ladies 4 Ball Better Ball this year. They were three points clear of the nearest contenders. Unfortunately poor Kairen was unwell and so unable to receive the award which was presented at the AGM recently.
Thanks to mike Wells for sharing the photos below.