Seasons Greetings

There are still a few spaces available for tomorrow morning’s nine hole comp. It’s an indiviidual stableford played over the back nine that is open to ladies and gents. Please sign up on Club V1 if you’d like a game.

This is my last newsletter before Christmas so I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support this year. Many of you have purchased Christmas presents and lesson vocuchers from the shop which is much appreciated. I hope you all get to spend some time with your nearest and dearest and have a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes for 2025!

The draw for the Pro Shop Christmas Draw will take place on New Year’s Eve at lunchtime after the Frolic so if you’ve not yet entered please reply to this email or pop into the shop to get involved!

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Pro Shop Christmas Opening Hours

I’m on holiday from the 21st – 28th December and return to work on the 30th December. In my absence, Phil is holding the fort with new recruit Charlie Hindle (who’s just helping out by doing a few hours when home from university) so please pop in and say hello! Unfortunately we’re unable to open on Sat 21st December.

Step-a -Side Texas Scramble

Congrats to Roger Sheen, Nigel Taylor & Mike Kirchin for winning Saturday’s stableford with 22 points. Helen Williams, Mark Williams & Sally-Anne Heaford were beaten on countback to finish as runners up. 22 points. Third place went to Jane Wilkinson, Jonny Yates & Ian Powell 21 points. There was a good turn out with 39 players taking part.

Ladies Christmas Frolic

The winners of this team shotgun start competition were Caroline Massey, Lisa Warnes, Barbara Spark & Gillian Brogdon and the runners up were Joanne Bryant, Mandy Gilbert, Lucy Leonard & Helen Williams. The best dressed went to Gail Sampson as Santa! Diana Hogben received a gift for suppling mulled wines and mince pies to all of the hardy players on the 8th tee. Wendy Jenkins received a gift for all her help. Thank you to Terri Broadbent for suppling the photos.

Member’s Christmas Lunch

Thanks to Jan Ravencroft for her “insider report” from the members Christmas lunch which took place on Sunday.

The photos show the Captain’s table getting into the Twelve Days of Christmas and performing their very animated version of a Partridge in a Pear Tree. Plus gentleman captain Ben and past captains Roger Lait and David Wainwright full of Christmas spirit and finally a lovely photo fo the current and past lady captains, Gill Kay & Jan.

Mike Kirchin did a great job leading the carol singing. At the end of the afternoon, the draw was made for Lady Captain’s charity “hamper” raffle. £1435 was raised for ‘Prevent Breast Cancer’ which is a fantastic achievement. Thanks to everyone who took part.

The winners were Sally Wright, Min Fishwick, Trina Walsh,  Val Nelstrop and  Morven Millar. A huge thank you to Gillian Brogdon for putting it all together.