Turkey Trot
The ladies competition had to be cancelled due to the weather on Thursday but the ladies 9 hole open Turkey Trot went ahead on Friday. This was despite spells of heavy rain and even some hail, as the photos below show. It was a great event with lots of teams taking part. Special thanks to Gillian Brogdon and Gillian Healey for all their hard work arranging the competition both beforehand and on the day.
Lady Captain’s team The 9th green covered in hail

Congratulations to Andrew Fishwick for winning last week’s nine hole winter stableford with 18 points. Bernie Wilcox was second with 17 points.
It was remiss of me not to mention the winners of the seniors competition in September so here goes, better late than never! Andrew Fishwick won the Morren Trophy with 40 points, Roger Fielding won the Timpson Trophy with 36 points and John Moss was the winner of the 9 hole Tuttle Trophy. Congratulations to you all.
Thanks to Andrew Page for these lovely autumnal photos from the course during his recent Sunday morning game.

Course Information
Preferred lies are now in operation.