Happily I started back at work on Monday and my foot seems to be doing ok at present so I’m really pleased. I will start coaching again in earnest from Monday 14th so if you’d like to get something booked in for that week then please get in touch.
I’m hoping to have my new video camera system in the swing room fully operational by then so fingers crossed. As soon as it is, more details will follow in my newsletter.
The greenkeepers are still working hard, currently laying turf in this horrible weather. Plus we remain hopeful that Ben and his team can spring back into action from the 16th December if Trafford moves into Tier 2.
Pro Shop Christmas Draw
Numbers are still available so please pop into the shop to get involved! They are £2 for one or £10 for six.
Christmas Gift Ideas

Special Offer on CBD products available in the Pro Shop from now until the 15th January 2021. Buy one product and get the second for 1p.