This week we have a round up of golfing exploits, Christmas present ideas, the club’s quiz and even some recycling news. Let’s dive in…
Trackman Update
We’ve had some training with the new product and it looks fantastic. However we’re just currently experiencing one or two teething problems so we’ll report back when we feel we can offer you the best experience using it.

Turkey Trot
This event was played last Thursday and perhaps there were some fuzzy heads after the previous nights dinner? It was a team stableford competition played over the front nine holes.
The winners were Irene Kirk, Freda Hunt and Trina Walsh who scored 41 points. Second place after countback went to Karen Stockton, Sue Fallows and Joanne Bryant with 38 points. So that means with the same score but in third place were Gill Kay, Jean Green and Pat Jefferies. Sorry I don’t seem to have photos for this ☹
Doing our bit!
The Pro Shop has been trying to help with the environment as best we can. This means we are gradually moving away from plastic tees to bamboo or more easily biodegradable wooden ones. We sell drinks bottles if golfers are less keen to buy single use plastic bottlers. Plus over a year ago now, we put the blue recycling crate below the bin outside the Pro Shop door which we then put in the correct large bin when full. We also do our level best to recycle all paper, card, tines and plastics that we use in the shop as well.
If there’s any obvious things that we are missing, please let us know and we’ll do our best to implement them.

Ladies Annual Dinner
This took place on Wednesday evening and a great evening was had by all. Thank you to Sue Bryant for sending me all these photos (sorry Wendy that I didn’t end using yours in the end). My apologies if I have made any mistakes with who won what!
Lady captain Irene Kirk & Tiff Fielden with her Medal Final trophy Irene & Tiff with the Charlton Cup Irene Kirk & Caroline Massey with the Bech Cup Irene & Janet Grant with the Bunty Booth candlesticks Susan Craig talking to Jackie Murphy after her talk Irene & Caroline with the Joyce Fisher prize Irene & Caroline with her award for the Most Improved Golfer Irene & Amanda Greaves with her prize from the Lady Secretary Tiff with her Birdie Tree prize Irene & Jane Perks, who was the winner of the nine hole eclectic.
Christmas Gift Ideas
Time is running out to order these personalised Christmas gifts so please get in touch to secure yours asap!

Well done to the Gower-Jones’ for running an excellent quiz on Friday evening. Congratulations also to two clearly very cerebral couples, the Wells’ and the Sampsons, for winning the quiz.
Michael & Vicky Wells and Gail & Tony Sampson Gill & John Gower-Jones
Bernie Bike Ride Club
These hardy cyclists swapped bikes for golf clubs to hold their inaugural golf day last Wednesday. In a close run contest, Phil Long’s team won the race to the line to win by one stableford point. Great fun was had by all followed by a lovely dinner provided by Ben and the team.
Phil Long, Brian Greenbank, Bernie Wilcox & Neil Stockton Martin Oldfield, Tom Sloan, Joe Bluer & Tony Sampson