Congratulations to Dave Madeley for winning Saturday’s Medal 8 with a nett 66 and reducing his handicap to 13.6. Ben Fallows and Chris Ravenscroft both had 67s but Ben finished second following the card play off. Al Makin had the best gross of the day with a 74. The CSS was 69.
Best Two from Three
The ladies played a nine hole threeball betterball competition last Thursday followed by lunch. They had a great turnout with 17 teams taking part. The winners on countback with 42 points were Corinne Veitch, Min Fishwick and Kathleen McNairney. Second place went to Janet Grant, Vanessa Veitch and Vicki Wells.
Kathleen, lady captain Irene Kirk and Corinne at the first ladies awards presentation for some time at the club.
Seniors Summer Stableford Final
Well done to Roger Mattocks for winning this event with 19 points. The ever consistent Barry Jefferies was one point behind in second place.
Next week it’s the Timpson Trophy and the Seniors AGM on Wednesday the 16th.
Junior Stableford
Angus Morris won Tuesday’s junior stableford with a great score of 20 points and reduced his handicap to 35.2 in the process. Second place was shared between Dan Turkington and Isaac Povey, playing in his first competition, with 15 points.
Retail Therapy
I’ve just got in a good selection of waterproof junior Adidas CP Traxion golf shoes in sizes UK 3 up to UK 6. They are great value at £40 per pair.
Some of you have already enjoyed the benefits of 25% off the ladies summer clothing but there are still lots of items left so why swing by to take a look.
Thanks to Sue Bryant for this lovely photo of the how the clubhouse is currently looking.
Well done to Mandy Gilbert for battling the elements to win last Thursday’s ladies max score Medal with a 75. Second place was shared between Gill Kay and Corinne Veitch with 76s. Tiff Fielden won the alternate day Medal also with a 75.
Twenty two ladies played in the nine hole max score Medal. Rosemary Bowden finished on top of the leaderboard with a nett 36. Lucy Daynes was second with a nett 37.
Summer Stableford
Congratulations to Paul Simpson for winning Saturday’s Summer Stableford with a splendid 40 points. Graham Bryant continued his recent good form to finish in second place just one point adrift. Ian Goulty was third with 37 points. The CSS was 68.
The gentleman captain Jonny Yates and the winner Paul Simpson
Seniors Summer Nine Hole Stableford
As I’m a little later than usual in sending out this week’s missive, I can include the results from the final Seniors stableford of the campaign which took place on Wednesday 2nd September.
Well done to John Bacon for winning with a fine score of 21 points. Before going out he’d complained of his golf being all over the place so that just about sums up golf doesn’t it? Bill Harvey edged into second place with 19 points ahead of Tony Sampson via a card play off.
Thirty seniors have qualified for the final which takes place on Wednesday so good luck to all those worthy qualifiers.
An Open Letter to New Golfers
An article which appeared in Golf Digest recently gets, in my opinion, the right blend of humour and advice for new golfers. Bear in mind that it’s an American publication so it has a U.S. slant to it. Click here to take a look.
View from the practice ground the other day – with barely a cloud in the sky 🌞
Well done to Keith and Tracey Thompson for winning the Mixed Centenary trophy on Saturday with 38 points. Second place went to Jan and Chris Ravenscroft with 37 points. Both pairs played together and it was neck and neck until the outcome was decided on the final green.
Special mention to Ann Davies and John Bacon who played in the worst of the weather in the morning. They scored 18 points on the front nine but were completely drenched and so couldn’t carry on.
I bet that was Paul Simpson’s finger trying to block out the Gentleman Captain’s face with his finger 😂
Ladies Stableford
Congratulations to Claire Makin for finishing on top in last week’s 18 hole stableford with 36 points. Diana Hogben was second with 34 points.
Twenty five ladies played in the 9 hole stableford competition and Emma Daynes was the winner with a cracking score of 22 points. This reduced her handicap to 27.6. Jane Perks finished second with seventeen.
Seniors Summer 9 Hole Stableford
Tony Adamson was the winner with 19 points last Wednesday beating Tarik Rashid into second place via a card play off. This was the penultimate event of the series before the final in September.
Green Fees
As a reminder, when you book a guest to play with you on the Club V1 booking system the green fee is NOT automatically taken from your account. Please let the Pro Shop or the bar know before or immediately after play and we can process the payment.
If you can always try to pay using your HGC swipe card, then it really helps with the admin as this creates a more robust “paper trail” on the system. I go through the tee sheets every seven to fourteen days to chase unpaid green fees.
If a green fee has been taken from your account incorrectly, I’d suggest contacting me in the first instance. Remember though that this is far less likely to happen if you amend the tee sheet if your guest didn’t actually end up playing with you or you decided not to play at all perhaps because of bad weather etc.
Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation with this.
Gordon Murray Salvers
For your information, the Gordon Murray mixed foursomes knockout draw has now been made and can be viewed on Club V1.
Dress Code
There have been one or two members mentioning that some golfers are not following the club’s dress code. For instance, male golfers should wear shorts with long socks of any colour or white short socks. Please click here to read all the regulations.
Congratulations to the club’s hard working treasurer Paul Gilbert for winning Medal 7 on Saturday with a nett 68. Barry Jefferies and Graham Bryant had the same score but were beaten into second and third place respectively on countback. The CSS was 68, the same as the course’s SSS.
Hilda Timpson Trophy
Well done to Diana Hogben for winning the Hilda Timpson in the glorious sunshine last Thursday with a nett 72. Claire Makin can sympathise with Barry and Graham as she was beaten following a card play off. Gillian Brogdon was one shot back in third place. The CSS was 71 which is the same as the par of the course.
Back Nine Stableford
Vanessa Veitch won with 17 points and Jane Perks was second with 16 points. Fourteen players took part.
Golf Access
Well we finally managed to get a Golf Access event to take place on Tuesday following the disruption caused by Covid-19. Five juniors and six of the new ladies temporary members graced the fairways and played three holes from the forward tees. Everyone really enjoyed the encouraging format for newbie golfers. We have three more events on the 1st, 15th and 29th September coming up up so if you’d like to play, please let me know.
Please click here to find out more details about Golf Access.
Thanks to lady captain Irene Kirk for the photos of some of the competitors – some even had their own entourage 😃
Well done to Nigel Taylor for winning the Centenary Trophy last weekend with 42 stableford points. Second place went to Jim Nicholson with 41 points and Philip long was third with 39.
Jim’s round was remarkable for scoring a six for two points on the fourth hole and then a two for six points on the 5th hole!! So that got me thinking what a four under par score on a hole is called? We know one under is a birdie, two under is an eagle and three under is an albatross. So the all knowing Google tells me that it could be called a “double albatross” or a “triple eagle” but a far snappier title is to call it a condor. Suffice to say it’s an exceptionally rare bird!!
Ladies Summer Meeting
Fifteen teams of three took part in this best two from three to count nine hole competition last Thursday. The winners with a fine score of 42 points were Lynette Lodge, Caroline Massey and Vicky Chamberlain. Second place went to Gillian Brogdon, Jane Perks and Moya Malthouse with 39 points beating Pam Dixon, Terri Broadbent and Barbara Spark into third place via a card play off. The event was followed by a lunch for the players.
Seniors Summer Stableford 4
This nine hole competition took place on Friday and was won by Robert Spark with a fine 20 points. After all he’s been through this year, it seems fitting that he should win a competition so congratulations Robert! Robert Manley and Barry Jefferies shared second place just one point adrift.
Range Yardages
One or two of you asked me for the yardages on the range to the different flags so I measured them with my Bushnell laser the other day and they are as per my high tech drawing below.
Following moderate success as a golf professional, Richard scaled new heights as an internationally renowned artist…
Pro Shop Opening Hours
I have a couple of short breaks coming up with my family over the next fortnight so Phil will be at the helm in the Pro Shop in my absence. The shop hours might be a little reduced as a consequence. Thanks in advance for your understanding with this.
Congratulations to Anne Webster for winning the prestigious May Ashton Trophy last week with a fine nett score of 71. Second place went to the in form Gillian Healey with a 72 and she reduced her handicap again, this time from 27 to 26. The CSS was 73 showing that it was a tricky day for scoring.
The nine hole Stableford was won with 19 points by Nancy Fallows, well done. Lynette Lodge was second with sixteen points beating Lucy Daynes via a card play off.
Medal 6
There were fourteen nett scores in the 60s on Saturday so post lockdown golf means that you have to go low to win a men’s competition. Andrew Gething was the man on top of the leader board this week with a gross 82 and a nett 61 (nine under!) to win by only one shot! His handicap has been reduced to 18 so congratulations on all counts Andrew.
Nick Horrocks was second with a nett 62 and Ian Hunt third with a nett 63. But spare a thought for Graham Bryant who also shot shot a nett 63 but didn’t finish on the podium…. tough school! The CSS on the day was 68.
Putting Stroke Too Wristy?
The left wrist remains touching the grip throughout the stroke.
The new SuperStroke Wrist Lock putter grip looks like it could be a really useful product for some golfers. Click here to watch the interesting and informative video. I have one in stock if you’d like to take a look. They retail at £29.99.
Owen Men’s Matchplay
A polite message from the Greens Committee – please play your Owen match as soon as possible. Even if you have a bye into the second round, if you know who your opponent is then please play your match as soon as you can. Thank you.
The forecast for Saturday’s Gents Captain’s prize was a bit gloomy in the run up but fortunately the weather played it’s part in making it a successful day.
Dan Turkington was the winner with a fine score of 44 points. He has now reduced his handicap from 24 to 18 so no more holes with two shots Dan – well done! Howard Gill who played on Friday so led for most of the competition only to be pipped at the eleventh hour was second with 42 points. Eamon Dwyer was third with 41.
The nearest the pin prizes went to Alex Mills for being the closest in two shots on the seventeenth, Eric Healey was the winner on eleven and Bob Cooke on the seventh. Well done to all the winners.
Lady Captain’s Day
Thankfully the lady captain also had a dry day for most of last Thursday for her event as 49 ladies took to the course. This was followed by a delicious and exquisitely presented lunch/afternoon tea provided by Ben and his team, courtesy of LC Irene, which proved to a great success.
The 18 hole Stableford was won with 37 points by Vicky Chamberlain. Well done Vicky. Mandy Gilbert was one point behind in second place. The CSS was 71.
Congratulations to Sue Bromley for winning the nine hole stableford with a superb tally of 22 points. This reduces her handicap from 41 to 39 which is great. Ceri Hyde was second with 19 points.
The Nearest the Pin on the 7th was won by Clare Withey. Freda Hunt was the winner of the 18 hole nearest the line competition and Ann Davies won it on for the nine holers. The ninth hole was used for this.
Special mention to both captains, Jonny and Irene for their efforts and generosity for their respective days and of course for all that they do at other times for Hale GC during the tenancy of their captaincy.
Two of Thursday’s winners, Vicky and Freda, enjoying their afternoon tea after play
How to Calculate a Gents Nine Hole Handicap
This is required for the first few rounds of the men’s knockout competition, the Owen. It’s your exact handicap minus two and then you divided by two.
So for example if a player’s exact handicap is 19.5 (meaning his/her playing handicap would be 20), the calculation is as follows:
19.5 – 2 = 17.5 17.5 divide by 2 = 8.75 so this players nine hole handicap is 9.
Hole in One
Thanks to Paul Simpson for sending this photo of relatively new member Adrian Kershaw following his recent hole in one on the seventh. Well done Ade, always a great achievement. From the left, we have Martin Bramwell, Ade and gentleman captain Jonny Yates who according to Paul “witnessed the ball going in the hole whilst on the 8th tee so barged into the photo”.
Face Coverings
Michelle Rea has been busy making some face coverings (see below) which are available to buy for £5. The proceeds go to the lady captain’s charity Maggie’s Centre which provides free support to people with cancer and their families. Please contact Michelle directly to buy. Her details are on the website and in the members book.
Face coverings – proceeds to charity
Afternoon Tea
Here’s another photo of afternoon tea at the club. A few lady members enjoyed a fabulous and tasty birthday celebration. Why don’t you treat yourself when you’re next at the club?
Congratulations to Angus Murray-Brown for winning Medal 5 with a fine nett score of 61. He missed out on breaking eighty gross by just one shot. Howard Gill was second with 66 and Chris Davies third with a 68. The CSS on the day was 69, one higher than the SSS.
Stableford, Granny Cup & Nine Hole Stableford
Last Thursday, Gillian Healey won the 18 hole stableford with a super score of 38 points beating Rosie Gerrard into second place via a card play off.
The Granny Cup this year goes to Tracey Thompson with 34 points. As Sally Wright pointed out in her email, she felt sure that Freddie would be very proud!
In the nine hole stableford, Freda Hunt and Mary Cockbain shared the top spot with 16 points but Freda won on a card playoff. Val Nelstrop came 3rd with 15 points.
Junior Stableford
Well done to junior captain Charlie Hindle for winning Tuesday’s nine hole stableford with a score of 20 points. This reduces his handicap to 16. Matthew Hodder and Dan Turkington shared second place with 17 points.
Face Coverings
The Pro Shop needs to adopt the government’s new regulations from Friday. Below is a quote from England Golf’s most recent update of their “A Framework for Playing Golf”.
From Friday 24 July it is mandatory for customers to wear a face covering inside a shop. This will apply inside stand-alone professional shops where a fine of up to £100 may be imposed on anyone breaking this rule. There are some exemptions to wearing face coverings including children under the age of 11 and those with certain disabilities – please refer to government guidance.
Hitting from the Grass on the Practice Ground
We’re very lucky to have a nice flat piece of turf to hit from on the practice ground over the summer months. Please follow the advice on the image below to ensure that we get maximum use from it.
The Bridgford Trophy and Moir Cup are 36 hole competitions for the ladies which are played over two days and took place last Monday and Thursday. Twenty five ladies took part.
Congratulations to Gillian Healey for winning the Bridgford with a combined nett score of 150 beating Michelle Rea into second place on account of a card play off. Tiff Fielden won the Moir which is a gross competition with a total of 173.
Michelle Rea was also second in the Moir and Mandy Gilbert finished in third place in both events so well played and commiserations to both of you for being so close!
Medal 4
Well done to Peter Turkington who recently turned 50 but turned back the clock to shoot a nett 63 in Saturday’s most recent medal. Peter Wolfenden was second with a 66. Dave Smith continued his excellent and very steady form to finish in third place with a gross 73 / nett 67.
The CSS on the day was 69. Plus it was another bumper day for twos with sixteen being recorded.
Seniors Stableford 2
It was a tie at the top in Friday’s second Senior’s Stableford of the post lockdown campaign. All three players scored nineteen points but David Swale emerged as the winner following the card play off leaving Martin Oldfield as runner up and David Cockbain in third place. There were then then five players with 18 points who shared fourth place.
Portugal 2021
We now have the details for next year’s “Ryder Cup” trip to Vilamoura in Portugal. It runs from the 6th – 9th February. We play a match against Knutsford GC and we’re coming into our ninth year, with the scores currently tied at four wins a piece.
The encounter is always played in a wonderful spirit and is great fun. It will involve 3 or 4 rounds of golf depending on your preference. If you would like more information, please drop into the shop for a chat or call/email me.
Memories from the 2020 Ryder Cup in the Algarve
Starter’s Hut
Thanks for the photo of the Starter’s Hut sent it by Bob Siddle. It’s really been transformed and looks in great shape. Well done to Ben et al for your hard work renovating it. Plus the new four wheel deluxe mesh golf trolley from Tesco by the side looks good to go 😉
We’ve just had a huge weekend of men’s golf with the Summer Meeting taking place. Over 100 players took part on day one and 96 on day two which is many more than in previous years.
There was some fabulous golf played so here is a quick run down of the winners:
Galloway Scratch Challenge Cup (36 holes scratch) – Al Makin 73/77 = 150 Arnold Challenge Cup (Day 1- 18 holes scratch for handicap 15+) – Alec Makin 82 Goulty Trophy (Day 1 – 18 holes handicap for members aged 60 and over) – Craig Rea 66 Walker Trophy (36 holes handicap) – Johnny Gray 67/70 = 137 MacCaig Trophy (18 holes scratch – either day) – Tom Cressey 75 Saturday (best net score) – Pete Turkington 65 Sunday (best net score) – Dom Aldcroft 65
Well done to the whole field for battling round in some tricky conditions and of course congratulations to the winners.
Ian Hunt did another great job organising this event. Thanks also to Paul Simpson for arranging his merry band of ball spotters who helped keep play moving along nicely.
There were a whopping 21 twos recorded on Saturday and a further twelve on Sunday. As a reminder if you record a two in a gent’s competition, you receive credit in the Pro Shop for £7. This equates to a sleeve of Hale GC crested Titleist Velocity golf balls.
Please come and collect them when you are next in the shop. Or if you prefer you can choose to get other golf balls and pay the difference or pocket the credit if they are less expensive. Alternatively you can use it for something else entirely. Whatever you decide, well done for getting that birdie on a par three 👍
Ladies Par and 9 Hole Competition
Twenty four ladies played in the 18 hole Par last week and many congratulations to Mandy Gilbert who won with all square squeezing out Sally Wright following a card playoff. Sharon Thorne was in third place with one down.
There was a little confusion (apologies for the part I played in that!) with the nine hole Par meaning some competitors played the back nine whilst others played the front nine. Despite that there were two great scores: Gillian Brogdon was two up on the back nine and Karen Stockton was two up on the front nine.
A quick mention to Sally Wright who has been working tirelessly in her new position as ladies Competition Secretary . Not only is it a new role for her but also there are lots of new systems due to Covid-19 making it a challenging position in the current climate.
Junior Section
Charlie Hindle was nominated to be Junior Captain earlier this week and we’re all delighted to say that he has accepted. He’s the first junior captain that we’ve had here at HGC for a while and Charlie will be a great ambassador for the role and the club. Congratulations Charlie and I hope your duties don’t interfere with your practice 😉
A Long Walk
Hale Golf Club’s very own Ben Wilcox and three others completed their challenge of four rounds of golf in one day a few days ago and have managed to raise over £7500 for Macmillan Cancer Support.
They were physically drained from the long day with no breaks, teeing off at 5am and finishing at 9pm. After the final round all four players couldn’t wait for a beer which was ready and waiting on the 18th. Ben wants to thank everyone again for their kind donations. Should anyone still want to donate then please click here.
Wild Flowers by the 8th Green
Thanks to Terri Broadbent for submitting this lovely photo.