Black Friday 50% Off Golf Bag Sale

I have six golf bags for sale for one day only at 50% off. Here’s the line up.

So from left to right, we have:

  • Lynx cart bag – was £69, now £34.50
  • Masters Tour Dri Waterproof cart bag – was £145, now £72.50
  • Titleist Deluxe cart bag – was £169, now £84.50
  • Masters WR902 waterproof stand bag – was £99.99, now £50.00
  • Ouul waterproof stand bag – was £129, now £64.50
  • Ouul Hale GC crested waterproof stand bag – was £174.99, now £87.49

These are tremendous prices so if you are interested, don’t waste time, pop into the shop asap.

December 1st is hurtling towards us…

This week we have a round up of golfing exploits, Christmas present ideas, the club’s quiz and even some recycling news. Let’s dive in…

Trackman Update

We’ve had some training with the new product and it looks fantastic. However we’re just currently experiencing one or two teething problems so we’ll report back when we feel we can offer you the best experience using it.

Turkey Trot

This event was played last Thursday and perhaps there were some fuzzy heads after the previous nights dinner? It was a team stableford competition played over the front nine holes.

The winners were Irene Kirk, Freda Hunt and Trina Walsh who scored 41 points. Second place after countback went to Karen Stockton, Sue Fallows and Joanne Bryant with 38 points. So that means with the same score but in third place were Gill Kay, Jean Green and Pat Jefferies. Sorry I don’t seem to have photos for this ☹

Doing our bit!

The Pro Shop has been trying to help with the environment as best we can. This means we are gradually moving away from plastic tees to bamboo or more easily biodegradable wooden ones. We sell drinks bottles if golfers are less keen to buy single use plastic bottlers. Plus over a year ago now, we put the blue recycling crate below the bin outside the Pro Shop door which we then put in the correct large bin when full. We also do our level best to recycle all paper, card, tines and plastics that we use in the shop as well.

If there’s any obvious things that we are missing, please let us know and we’ll do our best to implement them.

Non plastic tees

Ladies Annual Dinner

This took place on Wednesday evening and a great evening was had by all. Thank you to Sue Bryant for sending me all these photos (sorry Wendy that I didn’t end using yours in the end). My apologies if I have made any mistakes with who won what!

Christmas Gift Ideas

Time is running out to order these personalised Christmas gifts so please get in touch to secure yours asap!


Well done to the Gower-Jones’ for running an excellent quiz on Friday evening. Congratulations also to two clearly very cerebral couples, the Wells’ and the Sampsons, for winning the quiz.

Bernie Bike Ride Club

These hardy cyclists swapped bikes for golf clubs to hold their inaugural golf day last Wednesday. In a close run contest, Phil Long’s team won the race to the line to win by one stableford point. Great fun was had by all followed by a lovely dinner provided by Ben and the team.

Six of the Best for Dixon

There’s been a slight delay in setting up the Trackman that I spoke about in last week’s newsletter but I hope to have it fully operational by early next week so watch this space for further details.

Even Trackman feels the effects of Covid!

Remember it’s mats and winter wheels with electric trolleys as we march further into winter and closer to Crimbo 🎅

Bogey 3

Bill Dixon battled the failing light on Saturday to shoot a tremendous score of six up and win Bogey three. Ian Ponter came in second place with three up. Third place went to Matthew Hodder playing in his first senior competition. His score was two up.

Ladies Poppy Day Competition

Congratulations to Jane Perks for scoring an excellent 21 points to win the Poppy Day Stableford. She received a very nice commerative medal and a Pro Shop voucher for her endeavours. Second place went to Ann Davies, also with 21 points. Vanessa Veitch was third with 19 points.

Men’s 9 Hole Stableford

There was also a men’s nine hole stableford played on Thursday. Roger Fielding was the gold medal winner for the men with 20 points. Keith Thompson and Tony Adamson were both one shot back but Keith grabbed the runner’s up spot by beating Tony on a card play off.

Email us or pop into the Pro Shop for more details

Goodbye Marquee!

Thanks to Tracey Thompson for these photos. It was taken down last week – just in case you’d been down and not noticed!

Give a Garmin this Christmas!

Trackman is Coming…

So winter is most definitely upon as we have moved onto using mats from the fairway. Winter wheels are also required on electric trolleys. They are not required on push / pull trolleys. Also in men’s competitions from the blue tees, mats must be used when teeing off on the par threes.

Trackman 4

More details over forthcoming newsletters but suffice to say, I’m super excited to announce that Trackman 4 is coming to the Pro Shop very soon.

End of Season Junior Awards

On Sunday, we held the fourth End of Season Junior Awards match and presentation.

Twenty four players took part in the match from the forward tees between the lady captain’s team and the gentleman captain’s team. Without going into too many details, it ended up being a resounding victory for the lady captain’s side in a one way contest that was reminiscent of this year’s Ryder Cup!! Well played LC’s team.

We then had a meal for approximately fifty adults and juniors in the dining room which was followed by the presentation. We went through all the winners of the year from the junior competitions, the Adult Junior events (and it’s Order of Merit) and the success stories from Golf Access.

Hale’s Golfing Future: The Junior Section

We also awarded trophies for the Best Newcomer, Most Improved Player and Player of the Year awards which went to Tommy Lamb, Ben Hinton and Freddie Fallows respectively. Congratulation to them!

Finally we announced that the new junior captain starting in March 2022 is going to be Dan Turkington. He takes over from Charlie Hindle who has done a great job for the previous two seasons. We wish you the best of luck in your new role Dan!

Christmas Gift Ideas

Ladies Sparkly Ball Competition

The winners of last Thursday’s Sparkly Ball team competition were Amanda Greaves, Jennifer Bradley and Sue Bryant with 38 points. Second place went to Gillian Healey, Jackie Murphy and Trina Walsh with 36 points. Nancy Fallows, Tracey Thompson and Diana Harris finished in third place, having been beaten on a card play off for second.

This was a drawn competition enabling old and new members to get to know each other and to socialize afterwards in the warmth of the clubhouse.  There was an excellent turnout with 48 ladies taking part.

50 Sleeps until the Days get Longer Again…

Well it’s just turned November and you’ll be delighted to know that I’ve gone straight in with the Christmas references in this week’s newsletter 👍👍🎅🎅.

We also have details of the winners from last Thursday and some great snaps that have been sent in.

Thursday 9 hole October Stableford

This event was played last Thursday. There was a men’s competition and a ladies competition held concurrently.

The ladies winner was Karen Stockton with 18 stableford points. Kerry Bailey was second with 18 points. jane Perks was third, also with 18 points but Kerry had beaten her on a card play off.

The men’s winner was Bob Siddle with a creditable 21 points. Roger Fielding was two points adrift in second place. It’s good to see Phil Long back playing and he finished third with 18 points.

Titleist Christmas Golf Ball Promotion

Why not give the gift of golf this Christmas?

The offer is available on the certain models of golf balls. I have listed them below. The cost is £44.99 per dozen for all the models except the Tour Speed which retail at £34.99 per dozen. Click here for the Terms & Conditions.

Pro V1
Pro V1 yellow
Pro V1x
Pro V1x yellow
AVX yellow
Tour Speed

Please email me if you’d like to go ahead and place an order.


Late October Missive

This week we look at recent competition results and the forthcoming End of Year Junior Awards Presentation in early November. I also share with you the Pro Shop opening times from 25th – 29th October. Oh and remember the clocks go back on Saturday night… 😢

Bogey 2

Congratulations to Dave McGlennon for scoring an excellent score of four up to win Bogey 2 on Saturday. Andrew Fishwick was second with two up and gentleman captain Johnny yates was third with one up. Nine scores were recorded during the competition.

Third and first, Johnny and Dave at the presentation.

Ladies Nine Hole Stableford

Well done Kerry Bailey for scoring 16 points to win the ladies back nine stableford on Thursday. Vicki Wells was point adrift to finish in second and Anne Webster beat other golfers who scored 14 points to secure third place.

There wasn’t an 18 hole competition on Thursday as it was Jim McNairney’s funeral on that day followed by a trip to the club for refreshments and to share happy memories of Jim. Our thoughts are with Kathleen, her family and friends at this difficult time.

End of Season Junior Awards

This is a final push to top up the numbers for this event which takes place on Sunday 7th November. Currently over 40 have done so.

The format is golf at 1400 where the lady captain’s side take on the gentleman’s captain’s side over 9 holes from the forward tees. We will then have an informal meal followed by a review of the year and a presentation.

If you are involved in the junior section (child or adult) and have not yet signed up, please send me an email to do so. Non golfing friends and family are welcome to come along afterwards for the food and presentation only.

Pro Shop Opening Times

With it being 1/2 term, the shop’s opening hours will be slightly reduced from Monday to Friday as Phil holds the fort. They will be as follows:

Mon 25th October0930 – 1530
Tues 26th0930 – 1530
Wed 27th0930 – 1530
Thu 28th0845 – 1530
Fri 29th0930 – 1530

New Captains Announced

Last week the club’s new captains were announced and there was still a good amount of competitive golf played here at HGC.

New Captains

Last Thursday, the new captains were announced. As you an see they will be Judy Pinnington and David Wainwright. Hearty congratulations to you both and we all wish them well during their time in office which will start in March of next year.

Saturday 9 Hole Stablefords

Well done to Tarik Rashid for winning on Saturday with 21 points. Second place went to Andrew Warnes with the same score but he was unfortunate to be beaten on a card play off. Ron Kirk was third with 20 points.

Michelle Rea played magnificently to score 24 points and win the ladies event. Helen Davies was second with a very creditable 21 points. Gwynneth Bramwell finished third with 19 points. Over 50 players took part in total which was good to see.

Lady Secretary vs Lady Captain Match

The lady captain’s team were in blue and the lady secretary’s team were in red. Wendy Jenkins deputised for Sandra Mossop as she continues to get fitter and fitter. Irene led her team to victory with an overall score of 5.5 points to 3.5. The match was great fun and played in the right spirit.

Gwynneth, Wendy, Irene & Gail on the first tee prior to their encounter. Wendy tells me that the match was closed out in “style” with a birdie two recorded by Irene & Gail.

Seniors Bradley Winter Series

Well done to Rob Manley for winning the first 9 hole event of the winter season with 21 points, beating Ian Goulty into second place via a card play off. Craig Rea was third with 19 points.

Preferred Lies

We are now playing preferred lies as the nights draw in and Autumn arrives. As a reminder, preferred lies means you can mark and clean your ball on any part of the General Area that is cut to fairway height or less and move it up to six inches from where it initially lay but no nearer the hole. If you would like to read the R&A’s definition of General Area then please click here.

The winter rates for green fees are also now in operation. This means that the members guest rate is £8 for nine holes and £10 for 18 holes. Visitors fees are £14 for 9 holes and £20 for 18 holes.

Bogey 1

Well done to James Munnery for winning the first Bogey of the winter campaign with a mighty impressive six up. Second place went to David Rodwell with two up. Chris Wood had the same score but was beaten into third place on countback.

James & gentleman captain Johnny Yates

Ladies Competitions

Gwynneth Bramwell played very nicely to score 38 points and win last Thursday’s 18 hole stableford competition. Min Fishwick kept up her recent good form to finish with the same score in second place, Gwynneth beat her in a card play off. Diana Harris was third with 36 points.

Jennifer Bradley amassed a whopping 21 points to win the nine hole stableford on the same day. Ann Davies was the runner up with 18 points. Gillian Healey & Karen Stockton shared third place with 17 points.

Wildlife on the Course

Many thanks to Vicki Wells for this snap from the other day of a fox cub inspecting the new third hole.

Know Your Distances

This we look at some team competition results, yardages on the practice ground and even a trip to the coast for yours truly! Enjoy the read….

Ladies Autumn Meeting

The ladies Autumn Meeting took place last Thursday and was cut to nine holes after heavy rains the night before. Sue Fallows, Barbara Spark, Wendy Jenkins & Vicki Wells were the winners with a magnificent 43 points. Two points behind in second place were Jennifer Bradley, Gillian Brogdon, Sally Budd & Jan Ravenscroft. Third place went to Helen Davies, Mandy Gilbert, Val Nelstrop  & Barbara Grant who scored 38 points.

The results from yesterday (Thursday 7th October) will be in next week’s missive by the way – I’m running a little behind schedule this week!!

Trip to Mottram Hall

Great fun was had by all the ladies who embarked on the overnight trip to Mottram Hall last weekend. In the team competition, Louise Gerald, Wendy Jenkins, Vicki Wells & Karen Stockton finished in first place beating Jill Gower-Jones, Jennifer Bradley, Sue Bryant & Barbara Grant into runner’s up spot.

Gents Invitation

Last Saturday, the revamped Gents Invitation took place. There were approx 15 teams that took part and the weather was ok, not brilliant but ok! In first place were Brian Greenbank, Guy Levers, Dave Wainwright & Andy Begg (Ringway) with 88 points in the best two from four stableford format.

Second place went to gentleman captain’s side of himself, Jonny Gray, Paul Ashling, & Vernon Nuttall who scored 87 points. On the same score but beaten into third place on countback were James Munnery, Nigel Jenkins (Knutsford), Tom Cressey & Robin Sharp (Formby). The Nearest the Pin on 11th was won by Henry Petrie from Prestbury and the Nearest the Pin in two shots on the 18th was won by James Munnery. So overall it was a very good event and an equally good performance by members of the Greens Committee!!

Range Yardages

I’m often asked how far the flags are away on the range so please see the graphic below. I’ve also put the same note on a stick sign on one of the grass tees as a reminder for all you dedicated practice ground users!

Formby Ladies

I had the good fortune to play Formby Ladies for the first time on Wednesday. I have wanted to for some time having played the championship course there several times. Suffice to say I was not disappointed, what a treat! If you can play 18 holes round there with just one ball then you’re definitely going some…

Ryder Cup Reflections

Well things are starting to quieten down on the golf course here at HGC so I have fewer comps to report on this week.

I manged to watch quite a lot of the Ryder Cup. I was aware that the final result was becoming pretty inevitable but I still found it captivating. Perhaps it’s just me but the course suited the event perfectly and to see these players attack the course slightly differently because they were playing matchplay rather than strokeplay was also really engaging.

Europe just didn’t have the fire power as the world rankings had suggested coming into the event. Sadly I think it’s going to be some time before we can compete with the US team in forthcoming Ryder Cups. I wonder who will be the next European captain as it may not be a role that anyone will relish to much at this point in time?

Golf Coaching

Please click here to book a lesson or club fitting with me ⛳

Ladies Competitions

Well done Min Fishwick for romping home to victory with a superb 41 points on Thursday. Tracey Thompson was second with 36 points. Gail Sampson, Jan Ravenscroft and Gillian Brogdon shared third place with 35 points.

In the nine hole stableford both Val Nelstrop and Mandy Gilbert scored 19 points but Val won on countback. Bad luck Mandy! Third place went to Amanda Greaves with 16 points.

On Saturday in the 18 hole stableford, Chris Marsh scored 35 points and Tiff Fielden 29 points.