Well it’s Masters week which, as we all know, is the unofficial official start of the golf season!! There was some fantastic golf played yesterday but a a relatively slow start for Rory. Hope you all get chance to watch some of it and good luck to those of you who have entered the Pro Shop Masters Sweepstake.
In this week’s newsletter, we have the following:
- a round up of competition results
- news and photos of the new patio
- a great deal on Titleist pro V1 golf balls
- new of some great value junior golf sets
- a rules reminder from greens and
- a link to Seamus power’s consecutive holes in one!!
Ladies Stablefords
Congratulations to Mandy Gilbert for winning Wednesday’s 18 hole stableford with 36 points. Noelle Morris was runner with two points less.
Freda Hunt was the winner of the nine hole stableford with a fine score of 20 points. The runner up was Karen Stockton with 16 points. Karen beat both Pat Jefferies and Gail Sampson on count back.
The other photo below is of the lady captain Jan Ravenscroft and Sandra Mossop with flowers presented to Sandra for her very special birthday at tea on Wednesday. Sandra treated all the ladies to a birthday glass of fizz.
Ladies Spring Meeting
Well done to Jackie Murphy, Joanna Bates Mandy Gilbert and Jane Perks for winniung last week’s nine hole Spring Meetingwith a cracking score of 51 points. Second placve went to Gwyneth Bramwell, Jane Wilkinson, Gill Kay, and Terri Broadbent. Third place was secured by Lady Captain, Wendy Jenkins, Joanne Bryant and Pam Dixon
The shotgun start golf was followed by lunch.
Titleist Pro V1 Promotion
Why not stock up on Pro V1 golf balls for the season with this amazing offer? So 4 dozen balls would cost you £149.97 and if you wanted them personalised the price would be £165.96. Please contact me to place your order.
Nine & Divine
Well done to Graham Bryant and Amada Greaves for winning Sunday’s Nine & Divine pairs betterball stabeford competition with 23 points. There were four team just one point behind on 22 points but Mandy & Paul Gilbert beat the others following a card play off.
New Patio
Below are some photos of the work in progress. Many of the members turned out in force to help with the new hedge planting. As you can see the whole project has brough Tracey to her knees!!
… and here’s the finished product with some of the members not being able to resist using our excellent new facility, despite the weather!!
Snips from Greens – Mark your ball
Rule 6.3a requires players to put an identifying mark on their golf ball so that they can clearly identify it before playing it.
If your ball is not visible after your shot and you find an unmarked ball of the same make and number lying in the area where your ball landed you cannot just assume that is your ball unless you have a personal mark on it. You will be obliged to apply a stroke and distance penalty to yourself for a lost ball and go back to play a new (clearly marked!) ball instead.
Junior Clubs
We have a few second hand sets of junior clubs at various price points if ayone is looking for some. Perhaps instead of Easter Eggs for a grandchild? Much healtheir and fulfilling than chocolate!!
What are the Odds…?
How about Seamus Power recording back to back hole in ones in the the Masters Par 3 tournament on Wednesday…..