I’m sure I’m not the first to mention the “C” word so I’m going to take a chance! The Pro Shop Christmas Draw is now up and running. The eight prizes are in vouchers to spend in the shop and the amounts are as follows: £250, £200, £150, £100 x 3, £50 and £25.

The cost is £2 per number or you can have six for £10. Please stop by the Pro Shop to enter. Your support is very much appreciated.
On the same subject, the actual draw takes pace on Friday 20th December from 1900 and Ben has suggested that I mention it in the newsletter. It’s a nice and relaxed evening just a few days before the big day. The two course dinner followed by coffee is priced at £12 and there is a sign up sheet on the noticeboard.
There was no competitive golf last week as the ladies string competition was rained off. Weather permitting it will take place this Thursday. There was no men’s competition scheduled although they have the 15 hole Bogey 3 competition to look forward to on Saturday.
There was however some highly competitive Bridge which took place on Friday evening. The winter Bridge event was organised by John and Jill Gower-Jones. Rosie Gerrard explained that “Janet Grant and Jonny Yates won the slam prize with six no trumps. Jonny Yates was perhaps an unlikely winner as it was only his second game since leaving school!”